Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

Just a quick note to let you know that all is well. We are starting to prepare for the second branch conference that we are assigned to do - in Kadoma. We will basically do the same things as we did in Marondera so we won't be stressing quite as much this time. This conference is in 2 weeks and since Kadoma is 2 hrs. away we will likely stay overnight there. The next weekend (24th) we will go to Masvingo and stay overnight and then the next weekend we go to a district training meeting in Mutare and will stay overnight. Busy!

We are looking forward to staying close to home this weekend and watching conference (at the church). It is beginning to look like this will be a busy month for us but that's okay. The schedule is: Sat. morning session - Sat. @ 6 p.m., Sat. afternoon session - Sunday @ 2 p.m., Sun. morning session - Sunday @ 6 p.m., Sun. afternoon session - Sunday @ 10 p.m. It sounds like the men won't get the priesthood session. Not sure that we will watch the sunday afternoon session as that is pretty late but we will see what the couples want to do.

We went to a school today that has a grinding mill to check out how well it is working and if they make any profit from it. We needed the information to email to SA as we have a project there that is about to be presented for approval to the area presidency. Anyway, the mill we
checked on today has done well for 7 yrs. but their motor quit last year (wore out) and they have no money to replace it as any savings they did have last year evaporated into thin air as the Zim dollar inflated to being worthless. SO, I think we found ourselves another project and may look at replacing the motor for them as the rest of their equipment works fine. We had Bishop Chris take us to the school as we didn't know where it was. They weren't expecting us but now are hopeful that we will help them. The original grinding mill was donated to them by a white farmer back in 2001 but the motor was not new. It was a good trip out. It was a different road than we have traveled before and it was a pretty drive.

Tomorrow we have a meeting at noon with a water committee and I think some community members regarding the borehole we are looking at doing.

Hope everyone is doing well. We are great!
Love, Elder/Sister Bullock, mom/dad,


  1. Hello Nancy and Jim! I found out you were serving a mission in Zimbabwe and have finally found out about your blog! It has been so nice to peruse your blog and find out what you have been up to. What an interesting mission! I'm also gald that Jim is doing alright, health wise. I'm going to talk to my teaching team about some of the projects you are doing. Is is possible for a group of school children to get involved in some of the humanitarian projects you are doing? Would my class be able to email you or view a website that would introduce them to what you are doing? I can't guarantee that we would pick up one of the projects with which you are involved, but contact with you would make it more real to them. Let me know. I'll get in touch with Sharon so I cna email you. I'm so glad that I've finally found you!! If this doesn't work out it doesn't matter, I'll just enjoy following your mission!

  2. Hello Cheryl, How is it that we didn't tell you we were going to Zimbabwe? Does that mean we don't keep in close enough contact?

    We would love to do something. Get our e-mail address from Kim and we will work it out.

    Elder and Sister Bullock
